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Pokemon Face Mask Review!

So my previous blog post I got to give a quick synapsis of how amazing Boston Comic Con was. What I don't think I stressed enough was exactly how stressed I was. First major convention, traveling out of state, worrying about whether I had enough stuff, will things run smoothly, what if I fail miserably. Lucky for me, my boyfriend is fantastic at soothing my anxiety, and my glittery bffs are hilarious, super supportive, and know exactly how to keep me chill: pizza, wine, and face masks.

I think years in being in the beauty industry has seriously gotten me addicted to make up and skin care. I can't walk into Sephora or Target without buying at least five sheet masks. To be fair, I can't walk into Target or Sephora without spending $150, but that's a story for another day. Anyway, Devan came to Boston prepared with what else but Pokemon Sheet masks, and we had to bust them out as soon as we got settled into our AirBnb.

Seriously. Pokemon Sheet Masks. Devan purchased them on Amazon, and we got to choose from Bulbasaur, Charmander, Pikachu, Meowth, and Squirtle. Lacina, wearing a Pikachu onesie, clearly chose Pikachu. I had to go for Bulbasaur, my Onion Turtle Bae. These guys were infused with green tea and antioxidants, and 20 minutes of forced relaxation seemed like a really good idea the night before a giant convention.

I have to say, I was so disappointed that when I opened the package, the sheet mask did not have the character printed on it. Come on, the selfie opportunity with Bulbasaur on my face completely squandered! After getting over my momentary disappointment, I put it on my face and enjoyed the nice, calming Green tea scent. I think in general, all sheet masks need a bigger mouth whole, if only to drink more wine and for conversation purposes. Devan would make us laugh, and I'd have to try to not ingest face mask goo. Not something I blame on the mask; I blame Devan for imitating the sloths from Zootopia.

20 minutes later I removed my Bulbasaur mask, and my skin was dewy and super hydrated, but it still felt a little sticky. I will say using the face mask made me feel a bit refreshed, especially after driving, taking a ferry, and then driving some more to get to Boston. Was it something I would rock all the time? I do still prefer my Sephora Rose Sheet Mask over this one, but I'm not going to lie; I will probably get wine drunk and buy them on Amazon, along with Sailor Moon handbags and glittery bath bombs...

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