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The Nerdy Princess Party

It's been a hot minute since I've been able to post on here. But I've been working super hard to get some awesome stuff going!


First things first!

May 13th, I will be at the Paper Doll Curiosity Shoppe opening in Patchogue, doing a complimentary Nerd Styling and Braid Bar for Dominique. Her stores are always full of the most awesome things, from vintage to rockabilly, and now the Curiosity Shoppe will have some cute kitschy, nerdy gifts and overall cool stuff (and I will more than likely end up buying everrrrything!) I'm super excited to get to play with glitter, nerd styles, braids, and just to have a ton of fun.

July 1st and 2nd I will be at EternalCon at Nassau Coliseum!! First booth ermagerd!! I will be doing my Glam Geek menu, and if all goes well, have some cute merch that I've been trying to create! I would be so excited for you guys to stop by and say hi! I'll have a selfie station set up too, so if you want to get an adorable style and take some sweet Instagram pics,I am totally your stop!

Anyway, I have a ton of work to do, but I am so happy to finally get these events going! Hope to see you there :)

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